Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hasta la Vista to my 40's !

Bedtime, one of my favorite times of the day. The house is quiet, my man is laying in bed next to me while watching tv. I love this part of our day so much, it gives us a chance to just be us and to chat about our days events and what we plan on doing tomorrow. Oh my gosh, tomorrow ... My fiftieth birthday. I can barely say the word, fiftieth. Where did the time go? How could I possibly be turning fifty tomorrow? I still can recall both of my parents fiftieth birthdays, and it didn't seem that long go!  Now here I am on the threshold of turning fifty! Hasta la Vista forties, you were both good and bad.  The good...I got married, the bad...I got divorced. I moved more then a couple of times, bought three cars and became an independent contractor. I watched my son go from elementary school to high school. I said good bye to my grandmother, my uncle and to my father. Yep, my forties, never to be repeated and definitely never forgotten.  Tomorrow I will greet fifty, not with open arms but fully armed and ready to kick it in the butt!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, we have so much in common. Favorite times of the day being just one. Love the last sentence. YOU GO GIRL!!
