Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Loving Mendocino with someone special!

I love the coast. I love it even more when it's enjoyed with someone special. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Buh-bye Eye Wrinkles!

When you  hear the word "bacterial strain" what is the first thing that pops into your head? You may first think germs, infections or even illness.  I'm just a little curious if eye cream crossed your mind at all? Yes, you read that right, eye cream!

I have been using the gloMinerals products for some time now. I love how their glo mineral makeup feels on my skin, and the gloTheraputics Clear Skin Collection has not only helped ease many of my clients woesome skin issues, it has also been a staple in my teenage son's daily routine.

The latest product to hit my cosmetic shelf is the gloProfessional Cyto-luxe Eye Cream.  I am seriously loving this product! Antarcticine, a bacterial strain isolated from the bottom of a glacier in Antarctica is one of the active ingredients in this amazing product! This all-in-one eye cream targets expression lines and reduces cutaneous dryness. The appearance of those annoying wrinkles seem to be more relaxed, thanks to Myoxinol. A patented natural complex, Myoxinol is extracted from hibiscus seeds that have been clinically proven to smooth wrinkles in just three weeks! I honestly can't say enough about this all-inclusive under eye cream and anti wrinkle treatment. www.gloprofessional.com/cyto-luxe-eye-cream@gloMinerals

Sunday, January 29, 2012

So this is fifty?

Fifty... fifty ... FIFTY! I keep repeating it to myself thinking the more I hear it the less foreign it'll sound.

 When I got out of bed that morning I walked into my bathroom to take a peek in my magnified cosmetic mirror, I wanted to see if Mother Nature kept herself busy during the night sprinkling wrinkle dust on my face while I was sleeping. I glanced into the magnifying mirror, gosh it made everything look so huge, the pores on my face suddenly seemed ten times larger, all the imperfections seem so obvious in this little round mirror, even my nose looked huge. As I carefully inspected my eyes I noticed there didn't seem to be any additional fine lines around them. I silently said a prayer of thanks to my mother.

My mom, an incredible lady. When I was a teenager she would tell me and my girlfriend all about how harmful the sun was to our skin. My mom would tell us that if we continued to sunbathe our skin would get wrinkled and leathery. Wrinkled leathery skin? I don't think so! I could not imagine that my skin could ever possibly look like my grandmothers. Don't get me wrong,  my grandmother had lovely skin, but she also had wrinkles! Grandma's skin told a story. She worked hard, she spent time outside and she unfortunately didn't have access to all the wonderful products that we do today!
My mom not only issued warnings about the damage the sun would do to our skin, she also taught my girlfriend and I about the importance of skincare. I think my friend and I were the only fourteen year olds at that time that had a skin care regime. I don't know about hers, but mine also included eye cream.

Skin care products have come along way since I was fourteen. We now have creams that make our skin peel off to unveil younger more youthful skin. We have creams that can make wrinkles disappear temporarily, so that you can look ten years younger when your out for the evening with that someone special. Then there are the creams that smell great and some that make you think twice before applying it to your face.
We have products that we are able to inject into our skin to make those wrinkles relax and deep lines vanish. I haven't ventured into the injectables yet, partly because I'm chicken and partly because I honestly don't  think I am a candidate for them yet, or maybe because I'm in total denial.

I have a small arsenal of products that have become trusted friends. We meet up every night, we go through our evening ritual before I go to bed. In the morning after I have showered some of the products make another appearance, and some additional "day only" products show up.
 I'll  be introducing you to these products in upcoming blogs. There may be a product that you are already using or have used yourself, or perhaps one that may not be a match for you but a match for someone that you know. Then, there is always the chance that there will be the one product that you have never heard of, that you decide to "give it a try."

You're going to know this is the perfect product for you in the morning when you glance into your own magnified make-up mirror and you see your smile reflecting back at you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hasta la Vista to my 40's !

Bedtime, one of my favorite times of the day. The house is quiet, my man is laying in bed next to me while watching tv. I love this part of our day so much, it gives us a chance to just be us and to chat about our days events and what we plan on doing tomorrow. Oh my gosh, tomorrow ... My fiftieth birthday. I can barely say the word, fiftieth. Where did the time go? How could I possibly be turning fifty tomorrow? I still can recall both of my parents fiftieth birthdays, and it didn't seem that long go!  Now here I am on the threshold of turning fifty! Hasta la Vista forties, you were both good and bad.  The good...I got married, the bad...I got divorced. I moved more then a couple of times, bought three cars and became an independent contractor. I watched my son go from elementary school to high school. I said good bye to my grandmother, my uncle and to my father. Yep, my forties, never to be repeated and definitely never forgotten.  Tomorrow I will greet fifty, not with open arms but fully armed and ready to kick it in the butt!